Onlays and Inlays
Strong, Attractive and Safe Alternatives to Metal Fillings

Onlays: Onlays are used for large restorations. They restore the area inside the cusp and extend over one or more sides of the tooth. Because of their size they are usually made of porcelain.
Inlays: These are used to restore the area of tooth inside the cusps. Inlays are a conservative tooth restoration which means they require far less drilling and preparation of the tooth than a metal filling. Inlays are usually made of porcelain or composite resin, making them “invisible” in your smile.

Onlays and inlays are created in a dental laboratory from an impression of your teeth. Any shrinkage of the device occurs in the lab and is accounted for when cemented. Large fillings can shrink and be at greater risk for breakdown and tooth sensitivity. The final result will fit perfectly with surrounding teeth and can be as strong as a natural tooth.